WannaCry malicious ransomware
May 24 2018
On 22 June 2017 the Victorian Minister for Police, The Honourable Lisa Neville MP, asked for an investigation into the impact of the WannaCry malicious ransomware on fixed road safety cameras in Victoria. The Minister also requested information on potential improvements and additional security measures for the protection of the network in the future. In addition, Minister Neville asked for advice on the overall management and oversight of the road safety camera program.
The interim report to the Minister on 7 July 2017 found that the WannaCry ransomeware had not:
- affected the integrity of speed and red-light camera infringements,
- compromised any data, or hardware and
- affected the devices which measure and record speed, external to the infected computers.
The second stage of the investigation involved analysis of the cause of the infection, the structure and security of the network, and the operation and management of the road safety camera network.
The report on this investigation found that the Road Safety Camera System continued to operate with accuracy reliability and integrity and was unaffected by the WannaCry ransomware.
Read full report: