Freedom of Information
Making a freedom of information request
You can make a request yourself, or you can authorise another person (for example, a solicitor) to make a request on your behalf. If you want someone to make a request on your behalf for your personal information, you must give them your written authorisation.
Applications must:
- Be in writing.
- Clearly describe the documents you are requesting access to.
- Include the application fee or evidence that you qualify to have the application fee waived. Other costs may be incurred in granting access to the documents that you have requested.
- Be made to the agency that holds the documents you are seeking.
If the documents are about your personal affairs, you should provide evidence of your identity. For example, a photocopy or electronic copy of your current Drivers Licence.
If you want the fee to be waived, include evidence that payment of the fee would cause you financial hardship. For example, a photocopy or electronic copy of your current health care card.
For more information about Freedom of Information requests please visit the Freedom of Information Commissioner’s website.
Freedom of information part II information statements
The position of Road Safety Camera Commissioner (the Commissioner) and the Commissioner’s office were established to promote increased transparency of the road safety camera system and enhance accountability of that system by section 4 and section 13 of the Road Safety Camera Commissioner Act 2011 (the Act).
If you want the fee to be waived, include evidence that payment of the fee would cause you financial hardship. For example, a photocopy or electronic copy of your current health care card.
For more information about Freedom of Information requests please visit the Freedom of Information Commissioner’s website.
Statement I – Organisation and functions
The office of the Road Safety Camera Commissioner commenced operation on 6 February 2012.
Statement II – Categories of documents
The office of the Road Safety Camera Commissioner creates a large number of documents and records in the course of its work. The office uses an electronic document and records management system to classify, store, access and manage those documents.
Documents held by the office of the Commissioner may include:
- policy and procedures
- correspondence
- investigation files
- reports
- financial records
- meeting records
Some of these documents are available on this website.
The resources listed within the Freedom of Information Part II Statements provide a snapshot of the information that is available and is not an exhaustive representation.
Statement III – Freedom of information arrangements
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 allows the public a right of access to documents held by the Office of the Road Safety Camera Commissioner.
Access to documents may be obtained by making a written request to the Freedom of Information Manager, as per section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
The requirements for making a request are that:
- it should be in writing,
- it should identify as clearly as possible, which document is being requested, and
- it should be accompanied by the appropriate application fee (the fee may be waived in certain circumstances).
Requests for information in the possession of the office should be addressed to:
Freedom of Information Manager
Office of the Road Safety Camera Commissioner
Locked Bag 14
Collins Street East
Access charges may also apply once documents have been processed and a decision on access is made, for example, photocopying and search and retrieval charges.
Further information may be found at Freedom of Information.
The resources listed within the Freedom of Information Part II Statements provide a snapshot of the information that is available and is not an exhaustive representation.
The staff of the Commissioner are employed under Part 3 of the Public Administration Act 2004 to enable the Commissioner to perform the functions and exercise the powers set out in the Road Safety Camera Commissioner Act 2011. The staff are appointed by the Commissioner but are employed by the Department of Justice and Community Safety. For the purposes of their work for the Commissioner, the Commissioner’s staff work independently of the Department of Justice and Community Safety.
The staff of the Commissioner comprise of a Senior Technical Officer, Office Manager, and an Executive Assistant to the Commissioner.
The Commissioner is responsible for three essential functions:
The Commissioner is required to independently monitor compliance of the road safety camera system with the requirements of the Road Safety Act 1986.
The Commissioner is also required to review and assess the operation of the road safety camera system at least annually, in addition to regularly reviewing the information made available to the public by the Department of Justice and Community Safety.
The Act empowers the Commissioner to undertake investigations requested or agreed to by the Minister for Police into the accuracy and efficiency of the road safety camera system.
The Minister may also refer to the Commissioner for investigation, any matter in relation to the road safety camera system.
The Commissioner is required to publish the findings of any investigation and recommendations in his/her annual report.
Any person, who has a complaint concerning an aspect of the road safety camera system, can lodge it with the Commissioner. Under section 19(2) of the Act, complaints about the road safety camera system must be made in writing.
The Commissioner may investigate an issue where any complaint points to a systemic problem with the road safety camera system.
Full details of the functions of the Commissioner can be found on this website in section 10 of the Act: Road Safety Camera Commissioner Act 2011
Members of the public can contact the Commissioner through the following avenues:
Email: commissioner@cameracommissioner.vic.gov.au
Website: Contact us
Post: Road Safety Camera Commissioner, Locked Bag 14, Collins Street East, MELBOURNE VIC 8003
The Road Safety Camera Commissioner is also empowered under the Act to establish a group of advisors to be known as the Reference Group. The Reference Group consists of the Commissioner plus between three and seven other members, appointed by the Minister for Police on the recommendation of the Commissioner.
The members of the Reference Group will provide information and advice to the Commissioner from their unique backgrounds and areas of expertise to assist the Commissioner in the performance of his functions under the Act. The Reference Group is made up of experts in the fields of road safety research, road safety engineering, road safety technology and public relations. The Commissioner is the Chairman of the Reference Group and will provide the terms of reference.
The functions of the Reference Group include:
- advising the Commissioner about various aspects of the road safety camera system
- providing advice and recommendations to the Commissioner in relation to any matter requested by the Commissioner.
Further information regarding the Reference Group can be found on this website via this link: About – The Reference Group
The resources listed within the Freedom of Information Part II Statements provide a snapshot of the information that is available and is not an exhaustive representation.
Statement IV – Publications
The office of the Road Safety Camera Commissioner produces publications which are available on this website in the Latest News section.
The resources listed within the Freedom of Information Part II Statements provide a snapshot of the information that is available and is not an exhaustive representation.
Statement V – Rules, policies and procedures
The position of Road Safety Camera Commissioner and the operation of the Commissioner’s office are governed by the Road Safety Camera Commissioner Act 2011.
The Commissioner must adhere to the following legislation, regulations & rules when fulfilling the functions of the Act:
- Public Administration Act 2004
- Freedom of Information Act 1982
- Protected Disclosure Act 2012
- Road Safety Act 1986
- Constitution Act 1975
- Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014
- Road Safety (General) Regulations 2009
- Road Safety Road Rules 2009
The resources listed within the Freedom of Information Part II Statements provide a snapshot of the information that is available and is not an exhaustive representation.
Statement VI – Report literature
The Road Safety Camera Commissioner publishes all reports on this website, free of charge. Reports can be accessed in the Latest News section.
The resources listed within the Freedom of Information Part II Statements provide a snapshot of the information that is available and is not an exhaustive representation.