Results from the survey on Victorians perceptions on road safety
September 6 2017
The Road Safety Camera Commissioner’s office has conducted a survey of Victorians’ views and perceptions, about road safety issues, road safety cameras, and the Office of the Road Safety Camera Commissioner itself.
The office aims to find out if the level of public confidence in the road safety camera system reasonably reflects the precision of the road safety camera systems.
Road safety cameras are used throughout the world as an efficient method of detecting speed and red light infringements. Research shows they improve road safety. They are a component of the Victorian road safety plan to improve road safety.
This office constantly checks the accuracy efficiency and integrity of the road safety camera system. However, the accuracy of the devices is the one thing, public confidence is another. The Commissioner is working to ensure there is public confidence in the transparency of the system. This should lead to drivers feeling reassured of the integrity of road safety cameras operating in Victoria.
Read the full report: